Aug 31, 2012

Happy Happy Joy Joy

it's friday!


the drawing, amongst others, was made for a Mercedes campaign
in 2008, on behalf of Moskito in Bremen.
it was rejected because the guy was too ugly, they said.
well, now he finally has a purpose.

have a nice weekend, everyone...

Aug 29, 2012

This Is Nasty

and i apologize. hehe.

it's an old cartoon i must have drawn around 2005.
someone just told me Nicholas Cage said this in a movie,
but i think this guy here is fitting in just right...

Sometimes They Come Back

just found 2 more FOERHELVETE shirts
in an old dusty suitcase on top of the closet.
will they ever sell out? dang...

Aug 28, 2012

Bogumil Part 6

the order

the party


The Gods And Cleopatra

gathering of the gods

the feeding of Ammit (composition and layout by the publisher)

Caesar and Cleopatra (story by Volker Präkelt, compostion and layout by the publisher)

Aug 24, 2012

Pharaos and Mummies

last year i illustrated a non-fiction book for children by Volker Präkelt for ARENA.
it's called "Guck nicht so, Pharao" and part of the "BAFF-Wissen" series.

here are some illustrations and pages from the book.
it features the scarab Chep and the cameleon Leon that lead you through the book
and tell you funny and interesting things about ancient egypt and the people that lived there.

composition and layout was done by the publisher.

Bogumil Part 3

opening pages of the book

Onkel Bogumil meets the first white mouse

Stick Shift Rules

...even if it's not a four on the floor.

Aug 23, 2012

Santa Maria

sketch for a new MISANTHROPES CC support shirt


found this in an old blackbook, the date says it was done in November 2000.
funny, i completely forgot about this one.
i think i have to start using cheap felt pens again, the look is unbeatable.
but maybe this time i skip using the other things that brought this picture about.

Aug 22, 2012


i couldn't wait to go to Prague
to visit a certain someone
when i drew this last year.

Bogumil Part 2

more sketches

The Devils

lower "hell" side of the "Three Commandments" board.
unfortunately the card stacks had to be placed somewhere on the board,
so i couldn't draw real boss devils down there, but i still like the
stone faces and the suffering infidels.

Aug 21, 2012

Bogumil Part 1

these are the first sketches for the picture book.
it is nice to see how Onkel Bogumil takes shape.

Trust Me

The Gods

details of the upper "heaven" side of the "Three Comandments" game board,
originally designed for BeWitched in 2009.
take note of the stone heads in the circle of life...

Aug 20, 2012

Power Struggle Board

here are some details of the board graphics for "Machtspiele".
nearly every bureau has a different design.

construction drawing of the building

finshed colored version with score board

A Picture Book

i drew a picture book
to get my diploma in 2007.
it's based on a grotesque story from 1913,
written by Hermann Harry Schmitz.
he shot himself 6 month later.
"Onkel Bogumil Trinkt" traces the decay
of a convinced alcoholic accompanied
by the appearance of white mice.


communication between flat mates that have different day-and-night-rythms is easily done via post-its