Dec 11, 2013

Godzilla Mood

you know, on some days i feel like... oh well, nevermind.

(snippet from a recent project)

Nov 7, 2013

Five Window Rocket

the president just told me i totally forgot to post this drawing i did in 2008. true.
well here goes.

....with new colors. yay!

Oct 17, 2013

The Night Is Dark...

...and full of terrors.
nice little collage style illustration tests from a recent experiment.

Oct 9, 2013

Oct 7, 2013

Dark Wedding

a  little something i drew for a wedding party on the weekend...

Sep 24, 2013

Learn From The Bear

last year i got a call from ARENA
and was asked to do a  redesign of the "Bücherbär",
the mascot for their children's books and read-aloud-stories.
i was lucky and my designs were accepted,
and so now i get to draw this funny little critter here
from time to time...

Sep 4, 2013

Aug 30, 2013

Electric Mysteries

well, everyone keeps saying how easy-peasy it is to wire your bike,
especially if you kicked out all the fancy stuff and use a magneto,
but it took me a while to figure everything out...
while i was working out stuff i drew my own wiring chart which suits
my brain way better than those diagrammatic labyrinth printings
you normally get to see. it worked out great.
maybe i will translate it some time...

Aug 16, 2013

It's About Bloody Time... (AKA Frankencycle Part IX)

...that i get the last parts together and problems sorted out.
i want to hear this thing running before the winter comes.

Jul 12, 2013

Utterly Senseless

just fished this out of a pile of rubble on my desk,
i remember drawing this  for some senseless comment in a discussion on volkswagons
on some online message board once...
or so.
i like stupid things.

Jul 10, 2013

My Favorite Day...

... next to friday, saturday and sunday of course.

the drawing was originally made for a good friend's birthday,
but  since i'm lazy i boldly reuse it here to celebrate THE DAY.

Jun 24, 2013

Scary Harry!

last year i got a call from LOEWE publishing and they asked
if i could imagine to illustrate a book that features an overworked and underpaid grim reaper
as one of the main characters... of course i could!
even more so as one of the other characters is a long-tongued bat living in a school bag.
it really was fun to draw and it will be coming out this fall as SCARY HARRY!

It was written by Sonja Kaiblinger and is of course published by LOEWE.
Harry even has an official appearance on THE-NETWORK-THAT-SHALL-NOT-BE-NAMED
where you can follow all his activities and stuff.
Aaaaand there will be an audiobook available at JUMBO's...

May 27, 2013


back in the office and more or less ready to continue doing things... at least motivated!

Apr 17, 2013

Rougher Than Rough...

so nice to have the old sun back in the sky
and enough degrees to bring the rude scooter back to live.
noise and smoke! wind and flying parts!
no mirrors but too heavy load! no traffic jams for me, mista.
and where the heck is neutral?

strong like lion...  Woohoooo!

Apr 8, 2013

Mar 25, 2013

Customized Sixpack

had a fun time tinkering with six bottles of beer, cardboard,
duct tape, scissors, glue and a nice little drawing to prepare a little
something for a birthday party over at the flathead dept. shop.

Mar 21, 2013

Frankencycle Part VIII

lots of work.
no time.
lots of snow.
no sun.

just another tiny frankencycle drawing.
oh how i envy the hairy monster guy.

Feb 25, 2013

Monster's Waltz

silly little drawing for an invitation flyer.
so nice to draw something without commercial use from time to time!
literally loosening up the brain...

...and Rohrbach Part IV.

...and so on. now go buy the book!